Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Gun control surveys

So what do you think high schoolers think of Gun Control? Do you think the gender matters? Well from my recent surveys I have discovered that most people even high school kids believe gun control is wrong. Now I myself did not ask or peer into there personal background so I don’t know if they had any bad experiences with guns but I can vow for most kids here stuff, accidents ,stupid crap happens even when your young witch can make people develop there own opinions. For example I myself had someone precious to me taken from me with a gun I agree if we had gun control it would have stopped it but if she had a gun she could of defender herself this argument can go both ways but I believe she would have defended her self. Know I don’t know what happened in that room that night and no else but him her and god know, and no one will ever. So situations like that can warp and develop ideas of guns and gun control. After my experiences and all the bull crap about guns and how there bad just pisses me off, we have the right to bear arms even if it’s just a hobby or to defend yourself. I was talking with my dad about gun control and to my surprise he actually agreed with some gun control but if it got to stricter it was wrong. But personally people don’t want some gun control its all or nothing and that’s exactly why I have chosen to make a blogs to fight it. Judging by my surveys and charts that high schoolers agree fight control we want none! It will not help our situation and we have a lot bigger stuff to worry about then," Oh, my! He's got a gun he's going to kill people!" frankly we should worry about something other then gun control and for someone to say that is just so frustrating and stupid my dad was a victim of some stupid crap like that too its so, ARGH! All I can say. Hope you enjoyed my rant I will have another for you all soon. Until next times remember, "Guns don’t kill people, People kill people." Take a look at other surveys too.

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

The meaning of Gun Rights

To have gun rights is to have a balance of power, to be able to defend you, and to defend the country we live in. First I would like to mention that without gun control would there be a balance of power? What do you think? personally I think there wouldn’t be a balance because if enforcement had only then people would have to rely on police and everyone knows that if you aren’t a women in trouble then the policemen would take there time getting there, not being sexists just how it is, by the time they would get there you could have been assaulted and robed blind I'm just stating that if we had gun control the world would be very different and I believe that before they change a law or do stupid crap then they need to make sure those people don’t already like the world the way it already is. Then that kind of binds on in with the self defense issue I was pointing out earlier if you had someone breaking into your house and couldn’t get to a phone and there was no cops near by then what do you do? If you are the head of the house hold you (A) run hide and scream like a pansy or (B) you tell your children and wife (if they are there) to go and get help while you try and take care of this person? Now we all know the obvious answer to this but what would he do if there was gun control? Fight off an armed assailant with his hands? No he would shoot the guy! That’s self defense. Now for last and final point that we should have gun rights and not gun control is crime in our nation. Do you honestly believe that taking guns away from people by making it illegal will reduce crime or death? ha-ha well your stupid if you think it will there will STILL be crime STILL be death there is nothing we can do as a nation that will stop we do not have the man power and I'm just like the next guy I want to live in a nation where we don’t have to worry about crime but still nothing we can do there is no stopping it because people are naturally violent and cruel. So having gun control won’t help a danm thing! If you look at it through someone else’s eyes you will see the same thing I'm pointing out.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Gun Control. post#1

Some people are arguing weather they should Ban Guns but not just pistols assault rifles like what the military use, even though the second amendment says we HAVE the right to bear arms no matter what type of gun. Why Ban guns only I want to point out because, are they saying knives are just as dangerous? If they banned guns they should banned all types of weapons. Lets face it anything fun or dangerous or even thrilling could be considered a weapon I mean c'mon! I myself could kill someone with a sharpened pencil people have killed others with there bear hands there is no stopping or even limiting the deaths caused by weapons death is the circle of life even if you are killed by a weapon or from someone that just doesn't like you then that's what god wanted for you that's your fate I'm sorry if you have any one taken from you in these circumstances and I'm not being rude because I have been through a situation exactly what I'm pointing out NO one will bend over and surrender there guns because having gun control is the stupidest law ever we have gun rights and should enforce them. The high school shootings in the past years are unfortunate I understand I really do there kids and had a full life ahead of them but if crap like that happens then what are we suppose to do he could have easily bought those weapons of the black market traveled somewhere were he could buy them there is no stopping it people feel extremely strong about gun control and gun rights but people have GUN RIGHTS. Because some jerk is being very worried about nothing and had a bad experience with guns that sucks for you it does but if you start an "organization" to start having gun control nearly shamelss, what is wrong with you! Not right don't try and take that away from someone else who can have guns, what I'm trying to say is if you don't like guns then that's your own problem. Some blogs I have seen try and get the same point across and I feel it is really helping people see that gun rights are important becuase we as people have the right to defend thyself.