Monday, November 12, 2007

Ok this is my podcast button. I myslef didnt do this podcast but Fireamrs freedom people did! Now understand it MIGHT take a little to load but its worth the wait. The podcast it self can be a little long but its worth the wait. I believe these people that make the podcasts are really on something. I defianlty agree with this! why else would it be on my blog. Enjoy!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This post came out well - podcast worked great and loaded up. I liked how the podcast contained a newscast feel and really focused on factual events regarding you topic.

However, re-read the text you wrote after the button. Some of it is repetitive. Don't need to say their "on" something -- could be construed as a 'dis'. Check your spelling. Might also want to tell viewer that the real meat of the podcast comes a few minutes into the recording.