Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Gun control surveys

So what do you think high schoolers think of Gun Control? Do you think the gender matters? Well from my recent surveys I have discovered that most people even high school kids believe gun control is wrong. Now I myself did not ask or peer into there personal background so I don’t know if they had any bad experiences with guns but I can vow for most kids here stuff, accidents ,stupid crap happens even when your young witch can make people develop there own opinions. For example I myself had someone precious to me taken from me with a gun I agree if we had gun control it would have stopped it but if she had a gun she could of defender herself this argument can go both ways but I believe she would have defended her self. Know I don’t know what happened in that room that night and no else but him her and god know, and no one will ever. So situations like that can warp and develop ideas of guns and gun control. After my experiences and all the bull crap about guns and how there bad just pisses me off, we have the right to bear arms even if it’s just a hobby or to defend yourself. I was talking with my dad about gun control and to my surprise he actually agreed with some gun control but if it got to stricter it was wrong. But personally people don’t want some gun control its all or nothing and that’s exactly why I have chosen to make a blogs to fight it. Judging by my surveys and charts that high schoolers agree fight control we want none! It will not help our situation and we have a lot bigger stuff to worry about then," Oh, my! He's got a gun he's going to kill people!" frankly we should worry about something other then gun control and for someone to say that is just so frustrating and stupid my dad was a victim of some stupid crap like that too its so, ARGH! All I can say. Hope you enjoyed my rant I will have another for you all soon. Until next times remember, "Guns don’t kill people, People kill people." Take a look at other surveys too.


Zach said...

yo mutha chucka wut is crackin your blog iz da shizz.yo gramma iz betta den mine so its tight.

Steve-o said...

There was a couple of spelling errors but over all a great post!

Ethan said...

Your post is very well writen. but your line very well writen since it is true guns are inatimant objects therefore they can not think.